Therese and I met at an amazing Photo Workshop in Myanmar 2020. The Workshop was organized by and had the legendary Steve McCurry as leading photographer.

Therese and I immediately clicked and after lots of hours of discussing Ideas and Projects, we decided to create A WISH FOR HUMANITY.

A Fundraiser ( or a helping Hand)  with the goal to help women-led charities raising money to make life-saving impact on women and children around the world. We found 5 organizations already engaged in important projects from Bolivia to Nepal. We sat up a Priority Project with each of them. With a fixed budget but a loose timeline.

We’re proud to count a CNN hero and Private guests at the Dalai Lama amongst our  amazing charity founders.

As we would like to help as many organizations as possible and a Project has been financed, another extraordinary woman and her charity organization will be introduced for fundraising in A WISH FOR HUMANITY.

With love for humanity,
