Exposition des photos

Exposition de photos à Paris

 Theme: "Femmes du Monde"

 en faveur de "Greenlamp"


27th – 29th of January 2023 at the

art3F "Salon international d'art contemporain"

Paris Expo -Porte de Versailles, Pavillon 5.2


32 photographies gracieusement offert par

15 International photographers 


The fair is over and we thank everyone, who came to visit us: the Founder of “Greenlamp”, Christina Blecher, as well as several members of the organization. Photographers; Elia Kuhn, Alain Gauthey, Ralf Aubeck and Veronica Blecker. Many many friends and supporters of “A WISH FOR HUMANITY” and of course all the new visitors interested in our cause and engagement in the education and protection of women and children.

We sold 4 photographs and the profit from the sales will go to support the project we have set up with “Greenlamp” in Ethiopia: education and empowerment of midwives in rural areas. Their role in the communities is vital as Ethiopia only counts 7000 midwives for 120 million inhabitants.

Veuillez en savoir plus sur Greenlamp et notre projet : https://awishforhumanity.org/fr/greenlamp-ethiopia/ https://awishforhumanity.org/greenlamp-ethiopia/

Nous remercions notre sponsor Illux ( Illux.dk ). La première imprimerie d'art de Scandinavie pour son aide et son excellent soutien, ainsi que les photographes suivants pour leur généreux don :

Christian Nørgård, Jens Juul, Charlotte Stromwall, Pia Britton, Anne Sweetzer, Catherine Cameron, Guy Cameron, Anne-Lena Halstrøm, Elia Kuhn, Alain Gauthey, Paola Spencer, Veronica Blecher, JB Thiele, Mobeen Ansari, Lisbeth Monéton