
We believe that all children have the right to grow up being: HAPPY, HEALTH, and SMART!

A WISH FOR HUMANITY is a French-registered Fonds de Dotation ( Foundation) from 2021. We sell art to raise money to help charities ensure the education and protection of children around the world.

Through our financial help, we have supported :

“A Breeze of Hope”, Bolivia. Mental and educational support to 40 young girls, victims of rape.

“Greenlamp”, Ethiopia. Continuous training of 220 midwives to benefit thousands of mothers and children to avoid the high death tolls during childbirth.

“Himalayan Children”, Nepal. 3 years of medical studies for two young Nepalese women. This helps children living in the High Mountains as the women set up health centers after their graduation.

“Land of Hope”, Nigeria. This year, we support children accused of witchcraft and abandoned by their families. They are rescued and live in the orphanage, where they receive intensive care and professional support throughout their childhood and youth.

“You are a handful of extraordinary women – well done; please keep up your unique work.”
– Christian Nørgaard

“I am so happy and grateful to have the possibility to donate artwork to A Wish For Humanity. I love this organization and what they are doing for this world.”
– Pia BrittonI

The Foundation

A WISH FOR HUMANITY is a French registered Fonds de Dotation ( Foundation).

The registration date is 30th of November 2021 
Registration Nr. ( SIRET) : 908 030 893  00014.

Founders: Lisbeth and Pierre Monéton


The purpose of the Foundation is to carry out and support, in France and abroad, all projects of general interest and non-profit of a social, family, environmental, educational and humanitarian nature, in favor of literacy, education and protection of children (especially young girls) in a situation of great precariousness, distress and misery, sick or mistreated.

Through its actions, the fund also wishes to work in favor of the promotion of women’s rights, in particular with a view to reducing inequalities between women and men in all areas and in particular to carry out emergency actions or in with a view to meeting the essential needs of women in distress or misery and with a view to contributing to their social integration.

To raise money the Foundation organizes art events to sell artworks donated by artists worldwide. It furthermore receives donations from private supporters.

TAX DEDUCTIONS ( for French Tax Residents) 

Article 200 of the CGI – Donations made by individuals :
are entitled to a reduction in personal income tax equal to 66% of their amount sums (taken within the limit of 20% of taxable income) which correspond to donations and payments (in cash but also to donations in nature of movable property or shares for example, including the express abandonment of income or products) made by taxpayers domiciled in France.
When the limit of 20% of taxable income is exceeded during the financial year, the excess payment gives rise to a tax reduction for the following five years.

Article 238 bis of the CGI – Donations made by companies :
Since January 1, 2020, companies have benefited from a reduction in income tax equal to 60% of donations, the latter being taken into account within the limit of € 20,000 or 5 per thousand of turnover when this amount is higher (article 238 bis of the CGI). For your information, companies that make more than € 10,000 in donations and payments during a financial year giving rise to the right to the tax reduction provided for in this same article, must declare to the tax authorities:

– the amount and date of these donations and payments,
– the identity of the beneficiaries as well as, if applicable,
– the value of goods and services received, directly or indirectly, in return if applicable.

Please contact us for further information: lisbeth@awishforhumanity.org

Meet the Team

  • Lisbeth Monéton


  • Pierre Monéton


  • Alexandre Monéton


  • Anne-France Saglio


  • Pia Britton

    Pia Britton