“Va te faire …” by Charlotte Strömwall


 Title: VA TE FAIRE…

Photographer: CHARLOTTE STROMWALL, Sweden

Size: 67,5 x 90 cm 

Technic: Fine Art Dibond, ready to hang 

Price: € 1100


Photographer Charlotte Strömwall

My name is Charlotte T Strömwall and I work as a professional photographer based in Malmö in southern Sweden. I have all of Europe as my work area with customers in bakeries, business-to-business, accessories, lifestyle, products, and artists.

I got my first camera when I was 6 years old. Photography has been my hobby and professional job for more than 30 years now

The picture “Vas Te faire …” is part of a larger exhibition that I chose to name La Belle Epoque. I have always been weak for the style of decadent Paris or Berlin and chose to stage together with my wife a number of images that would give the feeling of this. As a woman, I wanted to highlight the woman and give her the central figure in my pictures. She got to play all the roles, including the lover/mistress, the seducer, the seduced, and the deceived. I wanted the images to signal female strength and independence.