Inspiration- Anne-France Saglio-Chamussy


Anne-France Saglio-Chamussy

Technique: Acrylic on Canvas

Size 70 x 70 cm

Prix: 400€

Des frais d'expédition et d'assurance de 10 % seront ajoutés au moment du départ
Signé et prêt à accrocher

Livraison: 2-3 semaines


Artist- bio: Anne-France Saglio-Chamussy.

Very busy with my life as manager of a decoration shop for 13 years, then responsible for the sale of haute couture trimmings, an activity labeled “living heritage company”, I only really devoted myself to painting from of 2013.

From a realist painter, I moved on to paintings that were more suggested than precise, using my sketches from live models, to then free my gesture and move towards more abstract paintings.

Currently, while continuing to paint, I also devote myself to the creation of collages, a technique oh so new for me but very inspiring and liberating.

Today more than ever, the cause of women and children seems to me to be the fundamental basis for a change in society, especially when it is itself initiated by women. A Wish for Humanity responds exactly to my motivation to participate in this essential change, which is why I am happy to be able to contribute to it through this work.

Exhibition in Croix Valmer, France, February  2022